

A Markdown Editor

The stack:


Fun fact: I created the descriptions for all of the projects on this site with this markdown previewer (technically I could've just written markdown files, but it was a learning experience nonetheless).

Originally, I created this project for freeCodeCamp's front-end certificate. But even though the other projects I wrote for that certificate may have been more complex regarding working with React, this one has proved to be most useful. I learned a lot from this project both when I initially created it and when I transferred it over to this portfolio site.

Some backstory

While I was creating this Markdown previewer, I managed to pass all but one of the tests in freeCodeCamp's testing suite. From what I could see, my solution explicitly gave the solution to that test, yet the test refused to pass. So I posted to the freeCodeCamp forum to see if someone could figure out the issue.

The assignment required the marked library to parse markdown strings to HTML. It turns out that, while I was programming my solution, the marked devs had updated the library from 3.x to 4.x (major breaking release) right before I submitted the assignment. I had imported and implemented the latest (i.e. 4.x) version of marked whereas the freeCodeCamp's tests were written for 3.x.

The freeCodeCamp team member indicated they would work on fixing the tests and recommended a solution for anyone else who had the problem. My forum post was indicated as the solution for several other people who were having the same problem.

In short, I learned a lot about semantic versioning that day, and how much front-end development changes in a short period of time.

Transferring the project

The project was decent as it was when I submitted it for the freeCodeCamp certificate, but I needed to implement a few more features for it to fit my own usage. I learned how to use the Blob API and URL API to allow users to download their markdown files if they like how it displays in the preview pane.

Link to original:

Original / Live